Monday, March 30, 2009

A fun family

What a family I got to capture yesterday. They are beautiful people, both inside and out. It was especially fun since the kids reminded me so much of my own. Such energy and fun! The girls were running all over, climbing trees and enjoying everything they saw. Their adorable little man was quietly watching around him, playing with the water, watching the ducks and finally realizing he could run and be himself. I have so many more images to share....but I want to keep some a surprise. I really enjoyed taking these and spending part of the morning with you. Courtney, I hope you like the me there are many more to come!
Aren't they just picture perfect!
They are such wonderful sisters, he did not really want to look for this let's grab his head a little bit! So cute

A dad with his girls
They were such a fun family, up for anything
A bond between a mother and son is such a special one. He is her little boy and it is so visible in some of the pictures.
There is not much better in this world than a kiss on the cheek from your daughter. His smile is just so sweet in this one.

Such adventurous spirits these girls are! It did not matter they were in nice dresses and flip-flops, climbing trees and jumping off problem!

Love this of her in the tree. If I tried to plan this shot, I could not have.

He was carefully touching the water, just figuring out the world. Such a handsome boy

Thank you guys for sharing your morning with me. I really did enjoy our time together. I can not wait to finish working on the images and get the disk to you!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures of the Cassler family!


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